Monday, June 21, 2010

Event for June - Heritage cities and their Suburbs

We thank conservation architect Gaurav Mathur for the highly enriching and stimulating discussion recently held at arch i platform as a part of our monthly discussion series.

The issue of harmonizing heritage passed down over generations with contemporary or new construction, has perplexed architects, conservationists and urban planners for a long time. Several debates have been spurred and many questions left unanswered.

While the discussion reinforced the fact that there is no one solution, what is for certain is that a bottom up approach could aid a better solution.

The audience and the speaker, shared ideas and personal experiences, their own unique solutions. While there is no prototypical design which will fit all situations, sharing these unique ideas and approaches can definitely inspire designs.

arch i would like to document these experiences and create a common archive for public use. All are welcome to contribute and help it grow.

CINEMA URBANISM - Architectural Discourses on Cinema - Apr-May 2010

arch i platform recently concluded "Cinema Urbanism" a series of screening, lecture and discussion, at Goethe Institut, New Delhi. The event received an overwhelming response and much appreciation from all quarters.

Following are glimpses of the event.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Event for June

19th June 2010, 1100 Hrs

About the Speaker
Gaurav Mathur

He is an architect currently practicing in Jaipur. He is graduate in conservation studies from CEPT university in Ahmedabad. He is currently teaching in Aayjan School of Architecture in Jaipur and is an advisor IIFA (department for architecture and interior design).

Topic of the Discussion

Heritage Cities and their relation to Suburbs

At the arch i camp at: 150,2nd Floor, Kailash HIlls. New Delhi-110065
Date: 19 June 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 1100 Hrs